It isn’t easy being brave, is it? Bravery takes so many forms that sometimes I am not sure I am even the right person to talk about what it takes to be brave. But I do know I feel brave. I feel brave every time I get up in the morning and accept another day as a gift. So I go out and make the best of myself – for my son, my family and whomever I come in contact with that day. I do so in spite of all that I fear. And with that personal experience, I’d like to share what I understand to be 3 ways of thinking to becoming and being brave. Feel free to leave your own thoughts about a bravery in your life in the comments below!
Anything that has hurt you before did not win.
I know for a fact that any hurt I or you have ever experienced did not win. Why? Because you are still here – reading, learning, growing. That alone is brave. It is brave to face all the ugly battles of the past and still stand strong because even at your weakest moment, you survived. It may have hurt you. It may have stifled your growth in that moment, but you did not let it win. You did not succumb to it, because you are here. You are strong and brave. You conquered it.
Fear of taking a chance only controls an unprepared mind, so prepare for bravery.
Take chances. Plenty of them. I am a Virgo, and while I’m not fully convinced a zodiac sign defines me, I like to plan, be organized, and am slightly flawed in my desire to be perfect. As an actor, anything spontaneous is critical to success on stage. You have to be in the moment and be present. Ready for anything. And that is just it, you have to be READY (and prepared!) for anything; not afraid to leap into the scene because you prepared for what would come your way! I learned that my fears came from not being prepared for the unexpected. If you are afraid to take the risk, don’t let the fear hold you back, but just prepare and accept the best of the outcomes, rather than the worst. That will be your brave moment.
Throw an anchor into your truth to stay grounded as your grow.
The truest form of bravery is when you know your truth. Really know it. Knowing what you are seeking to gain from being brave in any given moment of your life has to be based on your understanding on your own truth. What do you want? Why do you want it? Who and how does it help? Asking yourself these questions clarifies what you are about to do that requires bravery so much so that your confidence in doing that very thing will build. It prepares you. When I wanted to start this space, I was quite unclear in my mind. I did not know where I wanted it to go, I just wanted to do it. And I began. But it wasn’t until I took a few hours in true focus, that I started to face my truth, and discover how to grow. How to not be afraid of all that was required to really “doing this”. When I stopped myself, identified that truth, that is when this space began to grow.
Thank you so much for reading this post. It is a little something different, but I am happy to share ways in which I feel inspired to live a positive life. I hope you found something in it to feel inspired by, every if just for a moment.
Outfit Details // Maggy London dress (my absolute favorite faux wrap dress!) 20% w/ code “Jessica20” | Steve Madden sandals | DVF clutch | Maybelline Super Stay Matte in Voyager
Thank you to Maggy London for partnering on this post.
Wow! Loved your post. It’s amazing and inspiring. I totally agree being able to wake up every morning, makes me fell brave and thankful. I think is great that you share a post like this, because nowadays lots of people get caught up on the little and superficial things and forget what really matters. On another note that dress fits incredible on you and your clutch is so chic.
Thanks for sharing!
I am so inspired by your post. I am so proud of you for feeling brave everyday. It’s such a powerful feeling but yet not everyone gets to experience it. Challenges in life are what make us brave and they should be look at as opportunities to learn and grow. Such wise words dear!
xx, Maryam
This is such an inspiring post! I loved how positive and uplifting it is. You are a brave woman, a brave mom to be doing what you do everyday for your family, for your son. Every woman have a tremendous amount of inner strength that is waiting to be released at critical moments. Often times we think we are weak, afraid, but we are stronger than we think and braver. Thank you for this great post to remind me that I am brave, everyday.
xo Sheree
I legit needed this post! Being brave and taking risks is so hard and I think it’s important to stay anchored to what you believe, like you said. I think I need to take some time to consider what anchors me :)
As for your outfit, I absolutely adore your dress! The wrap shape is really beautiful and that blue clutch bag really pops :)
Rachel xx
Great tips babe! I think as we get older we learn to grow a thicker skin and not get so hurt and discouraged so easily.
I think the advice that resonated with me the most was that just because we got kicked down once, doesn’t make us weak – it’s really an opportunity to learn form it and grow.
The most important thing is that you always have to be in control of yourself and you can’t let anything overcome you!
i love this post! beautiful shots and i love the light coming in :)
reading this made me think of a book i once read.. on stepping out of your comfort zone and i think reading your words ring true :)
thank you sharing this post with us!
You look so beautiful and classy in this outfit paired with those heels.
Thanks for sharing this inspirational and positive post as it’s easy to get lost in our day to day activities and forget about what’s important.
Yes I agree being brave and facing your fears is a important step to growing as a person and every day is a new day and we should all be proud of what we have achieved
Natalia k
Amen sister! I often wish I was braver in my youth. I think self-awareness is the first step to being brave – because that’s where so many go wrong. Loving your wrap dress – so chic! And because I’m a color lover – I adore your pop of blue!
That is such an inspiring and a very personal post. Thanks for sharing it with us. Bravery is something that keeps us alive and it’s so important. Sometimes it can be very hard to be brave enough for something… But we have to deal with it and try to overcome ourselves, that is how we grow. Btw, this is such a wonderful outfit you’re wearing here. I love the heels though.
Cheers, Eliza | http://www.fashion-confession.com
These are such wise words lady and completely agree with all and I truly believe that being brave is learning to be able to accept who you really are and making decisions for yourself despite what others think. The biggest thing I did was decide to leave my ex-husband despite my family’s objections and then leaving a job I hated to do what I love! Such a great and inspiring post lady!
Helen xx
What a great an inspiring blog post! I always considered brave people, who stand out in their believes, dreams and pursuit their happiness not matter what, people who encourage people like you to believe that they are stronger than they think. The bravest decision in my life was – to travel to other country by myself, without knowing what to expect on other side of the world. Thank you for this beautiful words!!!!
What an inspiring post from you babe! I’ve always thought that being brave means you must do something super huge like a superhero. Your definition of being brave sounds more relatable and achievable for our daily lives – guess I can start attempting to be brave like u too :) Thanks so much for your sharing!
xoxo, Aldora | Aldora Muses – A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
I love this post so much! We could all stand to be a little brave. Also you look stunning in that dress! I think bravery is something you face when challenges come your way and you are able to conquer them like you mentioned. Such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing
Beautiful post girl, thanks for sharing!
This dress looks so beautiful on you, it fits like a glove! I’m also loving the photos.
Couldn’t agree more on bravery, we never really know how strong we are until being strong is the only option!
Major inspo girl :) Keep it up brave girl!
Hey Dear,
How you?
You are so Inspiring:) I loved to read this post, so honest:)
Thank you for this post, I really needed now:)
Your Elegant Wrap Dress sooo Gorgeous On you:) Love the Print and the Colors:)
Wish you Amazing Day
Love Open Kloset By Karina
Thank you for this post, dear! It is so inspiring. I’ve never thought about what is to be brave. I just try to be confident and to know what I want in my life. Sometimes I act like brave, sometimes not at all.
I agree with you, for me to be brave is to be in the moment, ready for anything. And also to be fair with myself, be ready to face the truth, even if I don’t like it.
And yes, if we are still here, it means that we are brave enough :)
I loved this post! I’m a Leo, so I’m all for taking chances and diving in head first. Most of the time it’s a good thing. Bravery is, like you said, being in tune with who you are! I think it’s much easier to take chances and risk if your confident in who you are as a person, know your strengths and weaknesses, and are willing to learn from others through your journey! I also think bravery is strength and knowing that whatever life throws at you, you lick the honey off the thorns and you keep on pushing on. Movement is movement even it’s at a snails pace! I adore this chic outfit! Your heals are so perfectly paired and the shape of the dress fit’s you to the T!
Have a lovely week!
Manda | http://EvocativelyChosen.com
Such a great post beauty! thanks for sharing it. This past weekend I have been hearing a song when I drive by Maccabeats called Brave. It is one of my favorites as It truly gets to this point. I am practicing bravery each day and it is not so easy, but I’m getting there. btw, your dress is very lovely and suits you well.
xx. Gina
Love this post! So different and so powerful!
Being brave can mean many things and facing new challenges it is so important to be brace and stand for the things you believe in!
Now to the outfit! I love a good ‘wrap’ dress! This print is divine and you styled it perfectly with those classy straply sandals!
I am loving the print of this gorgeous dress and that fun bright blue clutch!
I LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing- and that wrap dress is so beautiful on you! XO
I love this post! It is so hard to be brave. It doesn’t come natural to everyone. Being in my comfort zone is so much easier, but I know I have to push my self to do things in order to grow. I love that you mentioned that the truest form of bravery is when you know your truth. This couldn’t be more true! At this time, I know who I am, what I want and I have a plan on how I am going to get it!
On another note, I love your outfit. The wrap dress and blue clutch look beautiful.
Thank you for sharing!
I love this post and couldn’t agree more about taking a chance and setting aside fear! Well said girl!
I truly love this post! It’s so inspirational!! I love the second point that you’ve made ‘Fear of taking a chance only controls an unprepared mind, so prepare for bravery’. Sometimes we fear of changes, because we are so use to with our comfort zones and we forget how to be brave and challenge ourselves for new things!! It’s take a lot of courage to be brave for all the posts you have mentioned above. I definitely need to work on some of them.
xx, Jessie
This post is incredibly inspiring. As someone who has had a rather darkly colored past, I’m constantly searching for reminders that what I’ve been through has helped me grow and that I can inspire others with my own story at some point. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and encouraging your readers in this way!
That dress looks gorgeous on you! It fits you so well!
xo Jessica
You always look so fabulous!
wow, stunning! you look absolutely gorgeous.
thanks for taking the time to write this post. i really loved all the advice.
“fear of taking a chance only controls the unprepared mind” – so well said and especially poignant for me.
Elena Michelle
Love love love that dress!!
Such an inspiring post! I especially love #1!
this is so gorgeous!!! you look amazing!!
You look amazing girl! I love this post so much & your honesty
– xo, Azanique | http://www.lotsofsass.com
Such a great post! It’s really hard to be brave sometimes but it’s something that we must work on every day.
Such a fun outfit!
What an amazing post! So many great points and a beautiful outfit too! ;)
I love the print on this wrap dress, and it look beautiful on you! Such a great post. Bravery is something that I currently working on, so this was actually just what I needed to read!
It’s the fact that it is different that made me read the whole post with a lot of points of recognition in it. I too thank higher powers for every day I wake up and get to enjoy yet another day, no matter what hardships might await me. I’m grateful for being alive to be honest. For me bravery is facing life itself and that’s no small task, rather, the toughest task of all. Many people hide from life in their comfort zones, but I challenge my comfort zones every day and strive forward. However, I have anchored myself like you talked about so I’m not doing anything out of reach. I am down to earth and am being myself, which also takes a lot of courage and bravery. I’m filled with hope after reading this after a rather tedious day and thank you very much for bringing up the subject!
Thomas xx
Gorgeous wrap dress – looks so amazing on you & I love that print!
What an inspiring post! Love Love it! Don’t stop sharing you have a great way of explaining thing. Thanks!
This post is so inspiration and I’m with ya 100%. I definitely learned how to be brave especially with my recent health diagnosis!
What an inspiring post! I love your thoughts on bravery and they are all very true. Bravery is something that happens when you are faced with challenges and I have always believed that – big or small. And in the end if you are still standing, it means you won and bravery overcame you. Many things scare us and there is so much unknown and what-ifs, but taking a chance and being brave can only lead to even greater rewards. Thank you for this reminder. I love this beautiful and classic wrap dress by the way. You look stunning and so chic. xoxo, Christine
this is so inspirational! and you look so beautiful in this dress! thank you so much for sharing!
It is true, every hurdle and hardship makes you that much stronger :)
Such wise words. Thanks for sharing!
Yes!!! Love this post. Taking chances has built my courage up so muh!
this whole outfit is so classy and beautiful
that dress looks amazing on you!! love the black & white!
Stunning lady! Love this post!
I love this. The comment about the anchor and staying rooted to your truth really hit home for me.
This is such a great post! It’s important to remember that there are so many different ways we are brave every day!