Happy Friday everyone! Today marks our 1 Month Anniversary at This Season’s Gold! I want to thank each and every one of you for following us as we continue to grow. Whether for one visit or twenty-three, we are happy that you have joined us.
So what does a Mom do when there’s a special anniversary? Go out on a date, of course. It’s probably one of the few times you get to jump (yes, jump for joy!) out of your usual garb and go buy that outfit you’ve been eyeing online. Yes. No one has to know that you ventured to try it on whilst your child was losing their mind on the fitting room line, or even that you just want to buy it to have something new and nice to look at. Come to think of it, when was the last time you bought something nice for yourself anyway?
With a baby sitter in the wings, a secured date that isn’t allowed to back out (thanks honey!), and a place to go, all you have to do is go and get fancy. In a effort to help you with this endeavor, I put together some fun ideas.
I love the idea of wearing heels on a date with my husband because it makes me feel extra special, pretty and elegant, which are all good things. I have to keep in mind that going on a date means no verbal tug at my ear with “mommy” a thousand times over (fyi: I love my son beyond words) and so I shouldn’t dress like I’m expecting to hear it either. So while those date nights can sometimes be few and far between, I do try to avoid my usual casual Mom style. Try it. Make going out all the more reason to feel special with a nice outfit, some great makeup (trust me, go the extra mile for extra fabulosity), and even an extra spritz of perfume (at the crown of your head is best and lasts longer).
And lastly on the topic of all things fancy and celebratory, so many new opportunities are coming our way that we want to share with you because we couldn’t do this without you! As promised a giveaway for our 1 Month Anniversary will happen and will be announced this Sunday. It definitely will be an exciting one for sure!
So the only thing left to do is go book a date night (and a reason to shop) with your love and have fun! Thank you for reading!
xoxo, Jessica
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what a great idea, congrats on your 1 month blogaversarie! Have fun!
Thanks Vanessa! xoxo, Jessica