Whale watching in Cape Cod, Massachusetts! Those are the only words that truly explain our family experience on a recent trip out with the Dolphin Fleet (Dolphin IX, to be exact) to witness the splendor of whales enjoying their day in their natural habitat. It wasn’t even an attempt at watching whales, or being excited for seeing a fin or a tail, but a full on experience of watching humpback whales slap the water repeatedly to remove the barnacles attached to them and another whale breach (jump straight out of the water) over and over again as if in a fit of joy and celebration as we stared in awe at the beauty that are these enormous creatures of delight and wonder.
As a bit of advice, we did some research and learned that the Dolphin Fleet in Provincetown Harbor had the most informative crew (naturalists!) and best record of their guests seeing several whales (I am sure there are others) on their trips out. It was relatively inexpensive for a 3-hour tour (I know!), and we boarded the 1pm ride. Calm seas are sure to be something you’ll want to know ahead of time in the event that you are someone who gets ill on a boat, because even on calm seas the wake of another boat or all the passengers moving to one side of the boat to see a whale will rock the boat a bit. The entire tour is narrated by an informative naturalist, which made us appreciate the experience all the more, and if you don’t happen have the best camera or run out of space on your phone (as I did), they have a professional videographer record the entire tour/whale watch for you, which you can purchase upon returning to dock.
I am not a whale expert in the least, but what I can speak to is the experience of seeing my son enjoy the moments, even at one point expressing how “awesome it is to experience nature like this”. That alone made the moment precious enough for us. See them in action on a recent Facebook post here, and feel free to like our page when you’re there! *wink*
Hope you enjoy a part of our travel diary from our experience whale watching in Cape Cod. Have a great day!