Tell me, how’s online school really going? It’s been four weeks, but on some days it can feel like four years, since my son began online learning from home. In addition, I have been teaching from home and that has presented some very unique challenges that have caused me to reinvent the teaching wheel. As a result, I have quickly been able to identify some key tips and tricks that may go unnoticed to most of us when we are in the midst of the “hurry up and wait” cycles of our day.
With an invite to join a conversation with NJMOM on their Facebook Live to chat about the balancing act as a Mom and educator, I offered some quick tips on how to help make the online learning from home experience just a little better. Take a listen and let me know if you have any other tips you would add to the list!
We discussed how to improve Wi-Fi connectivity (not scientifically, of course! Ha!), managing snacks for kids, organizing learning screen time from play screen time, using post-its to help visualize the day, setting alarms, and so much more. Would love to know what you think in the comments below. Thank you for reading and watching.