In the midst of a big city rise the mists of a great waterfall. Did you know that? Have you been following along with Mom Camp and my Plan to Explore series? You’ll catch the adventures in action in many of my Instagram stories, but here’s a recap of one of the hidden treasures in New Jersey – The Great Waterfalls of Paterson. You are probably wondering how it is possible to have an 80 foot waterfall in the middle of the largest New Jersey city in Passaic County – but then again, doesn’t NJ have all sorts of twists and turns that you question? Ha!
With the famed musical Hamilton now showing on Disney+, I couldn’t help but make visiting the falls a part of our adventures. Did you know that Paterson, NJ was founded by Alexander Hamilton where established his project of water power systems to assist in powering many of the industries in the area? Paterson was known as a town full of diversity and culture, and still is.
Plan to Explore Paterson Great Falls
- Expect for your visit to take about 30 minutes to see it all, unless you anticipate having a picnic in the area.
- There isn’t any food on the property, although finding somewhere to eat in Paterson is an option and full of diverse options.
- You may see (or hear) ice cream and snack trucks, so have cash on hand if you want to grab a snack for the kids.
- Have your phone/camera. The murals in the area are a stunning testament to the talent of the artistry of the community, and surely you’ll want to take pictures.
- While it feels cool right by the falls due to the mist (although, you won’t get wet), you should prepare for the summer heat accordingly.
- There are two bridges you walk over, so if you fear heights, just know.
- You can see the falls from above, or you can walk down a flight of stairs and see them from below.
- There is a parking lot right on the property that is free. That’s where you’ll see the Hamilton statue.
Let me know if you’ve been to the falls or plan on going. And please do share this post via Facebook or Twitter if you found it helpful! Thank you for reading!