Happy Monday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Weather here in the New York area was quite warm during the weekend (today is another story!) which was perfect for Opening Day of tee-ball for my little guy.
For someone petite like myself, I could empathize with my son whose uniform was just way too big! If you have a child who’s on the smaller side and they join any sports team, prepare your sewing skills or get a good tailor in the ready. I did neither and instead just cut his t-shirt several inches from the bottom. I admit I cut it poorly. (Note to self: never wait until the last minute to make big decisions about fashion!) I felt so bad. Lesson learned. Even the poor cap was too big, but my little champ embraced it and was awesome.
And since we had time before the ceremony, we had some fun practicing catching and throwing! Family time is so precious to me now more than ever. And whether you are a parent or not, when you are with those you love always make time to enjoy the outdoors with them. Take a walk, sit on the porch, talk about nothing. Just being there and listening makes a world of difference to their memories…and yours. Go make some memories this season! Thank you for reading!
Outfit:: Rush blazer (similar here), Tank Top (old from street market in London), Kate Spade sunglasses here, J.Crew jeans here, Converse sneakers here
Photo credit: My Mother
xoxo, Jessica
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