How have you been taking care of yourself? You’ve made it halfway through the year, and you are looking back at all that has happened and what you have accomplished as much as you are looking ahead at all that you want and plan to do to close out this year with goals met and challenges overcome. Do you set wellness goals for yourself? If you haven’t, I hope this Wellness Guide for July might help. Let have a discussion in the comments about how you’ve focused on your wellness, and and if any of this guide (or any from May or June) have given you a way to do just that.
Wellness for your Mind
- Grounding. In a quest to get more connected to nature this summer, I have started to walk barefoot in my backyard in what is called grounding. I first learned about grounding when the Mariel Hemingway began to follow me on Instagram, and I followed her back (of course!), and I would watch her stories sharing her grounding experience and how it was important to be physically connected to nature through the ground as a healing and wellness practice. It is defined as direct skin contact with the earth, and is known to be a therapeutic technique that focuses on realigning your electrical energy by reconnecting to the earth as read here.
- Water fountain. I have found that being near water, however I can, is a great tool for relaxing and even a scientifically proven way to calm myself when I am feeling overwhelmed. Whether you have plenty of space in a backyard or patio, or even just in a small place by a window in your home, having a water fountain feature running water can really help ease the mind.
Wellness for Your Heart
- Listen to the podcast How to Build a happy Life. The title itself says it all.
- Planting a garden. I realize that not everyone has a green thumb, and I don’t either. That said, no matter how you can do it, I highly suggest finding a little (or big) corner of your home where you can attempt to grow something. I recently bought this veg trug to give growing a few fruits and vegetables a try, and the actual fruits of my labor that have come from the consistent attention to caring for my little garden have brought me so much joy. Ever bought a basil plant from the supermarket? That’s a great place to start if you want to see results fast that will motivate you to keep going.
Wellness for your Skin & Body
- ByTerry Face Masks – summer months means more time in the sun, and these rose-infused masks are my favorite for hydrating my skin and giving me an over all glow. I love how they look too.
- Try a trial period with a fitness instructor. I recently booked in a personal trainer just to help me get back to working out with the right alignment so I don’t injure myself when I work out from home. Best mini-investment until I am motivated and confident to do it on my own.
And that’s it for now. Until next month, I hope you are doing all that is well for you!